
Job Shadow Day for International Students

International Students are invited to set up their candidatures as Job Shadows. The Students will get a chance to spend time in the workplace as observers, and be able to ask questions from a professional in the field. Students “shadow” professionals during a normal working day to gain a first-hand look at the skills, knowledge, and education required to succeed in a career.

Job Shadowing can help to get a better sense of the options available. This is a chance to explore the daily lives of Estonian companies and make contacts for a future internship and career. If you are interested in participating in Job Shadow Day, please find a company (from the List of Companies) and send a short Motivation Letter to the company you are interested in.

The Motivation Letter should answer the following questions:
* Why are you applying for the chosen company?
* What are you studying and where?

Please remember that after receiving an invitation from the company you are expected to respond! Please let the contact person of the company know if there are any issues, for example, if the suggested date is not suitable for you.

Job Shadow Day for International Students is organised by The Estonian Employers’ Confederation. Job Shadow Day is co-funded by the European Social Fund.

List of Companies involved in the Job Shadow for International Students programmehttps://vana.employers.ee/wp-content/uploads/Copy-of-Job-Shadow-Day-for-International-Students-02.01.17.xls 

10 recommendations for participation in Job Shadow Day



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